Leg it for LAura

Leg-it for Laura 2nd June

So far we have over 70 lovely ladies who will “leg-it for Laura” at the Flora Women’s Mini Marathon on Monday the 2nd of June in Dublin. If you haven’t already contacted us to get your sponsorship cards be sure to email us at: thelaurahickeyfund@gmail.com

Meeting before the race: We will meet at 12:30pm outside the Shelbourne Hotel on Stephen’s Green and then by 12:45 at the latest, we will head up to the start line.
Meeting after the race: The Mercantile Hotel on Dame Street will have an area reserved for Leg-it for Laura runners after the mini-marathon. They will also have some free finger food for us. That way if we lose each other during the run we can meet up again in the Mercantile.

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